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Exercise of the Week: Toe Taps - Mat Pilates

Writer's picture: Bec Kypri-InacioBec Kypri-Inacio

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Looking to strengthen your core? Toe taps is a very effective core exercise that you can do on a mat or the carpet in your bedroom or lounge room.

So what muscles do toe taps work exactly?

Toe Taps works the rectus abdominus, the internal and external obliques, the transverse abdominus, the pelvic floor and the psoas. By training these muscles you will not only feel stronger, you will hold yourself better and wait for it....your abdominals will appear flatter. 'Oh it's a dream come true...'.

It is however important to do the exercise correctly to get the most out of it. Here's a step by step guide to a successful execution of Toe Taps that done regularly will improve your core strength.

Step #1 - Lie on your back.

Lie on your back and draw your knees up. Feet hip distance apart. Engage your deep abdominal muscles by drawing your naval to your spine and pulling up through the pelvic floor. Bring your legs into a table top position one at a time. If you draw the knees too close to the chest, you will make the exercise easier so keep your legs at 90 degrees.

Step #2 - Imprint the spine

Use your abdominals to draw the spine into the mat so that it is more or less flat. This will make it easier to engage the obliques and stop the back from arching.

Step #3 - Set up your neck and shoulders

Draw the shoulders down and back and rest the arms by your sides palms facing down. It's important to keep the parts of the body that are not being used relaxed. This is good practise for isolating the muscles involved in the movement building awareness of your whole body and what each part is doing. Gently tuck in the chin to switch on your neck flexors.

Step #4 - Start toe tapping

Keeping the legs at 90 degrees exhale as you lower one foot towards the floor. Inhale as you bring the leg back to table top. Change legs. As your foot moves away be careful not to arch your lower back. You don't have to tap the floor. Only move your leg as far away as you can without over- arching the back. Squeeze the lowest rib towards the hip bones to keep the obliques engaged.

Step #5 - Set yourself a mini challenge

Set an achievable challenge. Do the toe taps exercise everyday for a week. Set a base line by seeing how many you can do whilst keeping your lower back in connection with the mat. Keep an eye on how many you are doing and gradually increase each day or every second day. Try toe taps every day for a week and take notice how you feel throughout the day and at the end. Keep in mind it's the little things that we do that gradually amount to something bigger.

Following these 5 steps will surely guide you to an excellent toe tap. I'll look forward to seeing your toe taps at the next session. Please feel free to comment and/or let us know how you go.

We hope you've enjoyed reading or watching our exercise of the week. If you quite like bite size challenges, be sure to check out our healthy habits 4 week challenge too.

See below to book a mat or reformer session at Scooter Pilates.

See you in the studio.


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